State Rep. John Lawrence | Pennsylvania 13th Legislative District
State Rep. John Lawrence | Pennsylvania 13th Legislative District
After an extended effort to access Chester's financial records, state Representative John Lawrence has succeeded in obtaining a ruling from the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records. The decision supports Lawrence's right-to-know request for documents concerning Chester's financial strategies.
In the previous year, Michael Doweary, a state-appointed city receiver, cautioned Chester officials about potential disincorporation due to fiscal mismanagement. In response, Mayor Thaddeus Kirkland claimed that his office had provided Doweary with "two credible plans" to address these issues. However, these plans have not been disclosed.
Lawrence initially filed requests for these records with the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) and Chester’s Office of Receiver but was informed that no such documents existed. Following this, he submitted a request directly to the city of Chester in August. The city acknowledged the existence of the records but refused public access. Lawrence then appealed to the Office of Open Records and received a favorable ruling.
“On Nov. 30, the Office of Open Records granted my appeal, requiring the city of Chester to provide the requested records within 30 days," stated Lawrence. "Now that the time has passed for the city to appeal this case, the office’s decision is binding, and the city must turn over the records.”
Lawrence further commented on his next steps: “Today, I sent a letter to counsel representing the city in this matter, demanding that copies of the ‘two credible plans’ be sent to me no later than Jan. 25, 2024. I look forward to seeing the plans and learning how the city is proposing to address its financial crisis.”
Documentation related to Rep. Lawrence’s requests and correspondence can be accessed through his office.