Avon Grove High School 10th and 11th grade students will be taking the PSAT on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. Ninth and 12th grade students will have the opportunity to come to school at their normally scheduled time on that day.
Avon Grove High School 10th and 11th grade students will be taking the PSAT on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. In order to provide our students with the most optimal testing environment, we will be using all second and third floor classrooms and a majority of our teachers to proctor this exam. Because of the length of the exam and the resources needed to provide our students with the appropriate testing environment, we have created the following schedule for our students on this day.
10th & 11th graders: PSAT 7:30 – 11:15
7:30 – Students report to testing rooms
11:15 - Testing session ends - Students dismissed to HR
11:19 – Students leave for off-campus PM Programs
11:19 - 1:09 Alpha Homeroom - Daily Attendance will be taken at this time
11:19 - 11:49 - A Lunch by Alpha
11:59 - 12:29 - B Lunch by Alpha
12:39 - 1:09 - C Lunch by Alpha
1:13 - 1:29 - 5th Period
1:33 - 1:49 - 6th Period
1:53 - 2:09 - 7th Period
2:13 - 2:30 - 8th Period
9th and 12th graders: Students will have the opportunity to come to school at their normally scheduled time. Students will report to the Cafeteria for Study Hall. Throughout the Study Hall, a variety of sessions will be offered to the students if they choose to attend. These sessions include Study Skills, Content Help, E-Hall Pass, College Application Help, and Naviance & Career Portfolio Workshop. Students may sign-up and attend these sessions on the morning of October 12. Sessions begin at 8:00 a.m. and will run every 30 minutes.
7:30 – Students report to Cafeteria for Study Hall
11:15 - Students dismissed to HR
11:19 – Students leave for off-campus PM Programs
11:19 - 1:09 Alpha Homeroom - Daily Attendance will be taken at this time
11:19 - 11:49 - A Lunch by Alpha
11:59 - 12:29 - B Lunch by Alpha
12:39 - 1:09 - C Lunch by Alpha
1:13 - 1:29 - 5th Period
1:33 - 1:49 - 6th Period
1:53 - 2:09 - 7th Period
2:13 - 2:30 - 8th Period
Transportation will be provided for all students at their normal time. Daily attendance will be taken in Alpha Homeroom at 11:19 a.m. If 9th or 12th grade students choose to arrive to school after testing is complete, they will need to provide their own transportation to school.
Original source can be found here.